Joy + Rigor = Mastery

Measuring Mastery: How do you measure progress and success if there are no tests?

Well, it’s quite simple. At Ascend, we don’t rely or believe in using Standardized (or any kind of ) “tests” to measure a learner’s level of understanding or of “success”. We are of the “show me what you can do” attitude! Our learners earn badges to prove they’ve mastered new skills, and build amazingly rich portfolios. 

How does it work?

  • Parents use badges to track academic progress in core skills like reading, writing, math, and spelling. Also, character development in “Learn To Be” badges.

  • Learners celebrate the mastery of tools, skills and character by earning badges, assembling portfolios and taking part in public exhibitions.

  • Electronic and hard copy portfolios capture rough drafts, photos, video and other creative work.

  • Public exhibitions at the end of most quests allow learners to show work to experts, customers, or the public for a real world test and/or presentation.